Доброго дня, дорогі студенти!
За час карантину ми з вами повинні опрацювати навчальний матеріал з курсу дисциплін «Англійська мова» та «Англійська мова за
професійним спрямуванням».
Перелік запитань та практичних завдань до
диференційованого заліку
(для студентів 2 АБ, Т, ВЕ, кіно)
1. Розкажіть розмовну тему
– особистість. Вплив родинних зв’язків на формування особистості.
професій. Професії: вимоги та обов’язки.
Освіта у Великій Британії та в Україні.
засоби комунікації. Інтернет. Написання електронного листа.
кухня. Традиції харчування.
проблеми екології.
Захист навколишнього середовища в Україні.
Традиції живопису в Україні.
і спорт. Види спорту. Спортивні події.
10. Освіта.
Бути студентом.
11. Роль іноземної мови у всебічному розвитку особистості.
12. Українські міжнародні відносини.
13. Освіта в Україні.
14. Освіта у Великобританії.
15. Ввічливість – ознака культури.
2. Виконайте практичне завдання
1. Match to make sentences
is a) a water
sport you do in the sea.
is b) a contact
sport where you touch another person.
is c) an
extreme sport that is fast and dangerous.
is d) a winter sport
you need snow for.
is e) a team
sport you play with ten other.
Answer the questions
Do you agree with the list
of the most important inventions? Can you think of other inventions to add?
In your opinion, which
inventions made the biggest changes to our daily lives?
2. Translate the text
This is a picture of a country school.
In the foreground we see a peasant boy. He
is standing at the door of the classroom. The boy is very poor. He is dressed
in ragged clothes. He is leaning on a stick. Evidently he is tired. The boy has
two bags: one on his back and the other on his side.
The boy
cannot learn at school because he is poor. He must work to help his family. But
he wants to learn very much, that's why he has come to school. He is looking at
the pupils. He would like to sit at the desk, too!
In the background we see part of the
classroom. We see part of the blackboard on the left and some desks on the
right. The pupils are writing something. One pupil is looking at the boy.
Perhaps he is his friend.
On the wall we can see a map and some pictures. There
is a kerosene lamp hanging from the ceiling. The picture shows the hard life of
peasants in old time.
3.Complete the text with the word in the box.
Well-known, created, painted, master, portraitist
Sir Joshua
Reynolds was most ……………..portraitist of the second half of 18th
century. In December 1768 the Royal Academy was founded and Reynolds became its
first president. He…………..a whole gallery of portraits of the most famous people
of that period. He usually …………………..his characters in heroic …………………..and
showed them as the best people of the nation.
But the leading ………….. of this day was
Thomas Lawrence. He became painter to George III in 1972 and president of the
Royal Academy (1820-1830).Queen Charlotte is one of finest portraits.
up the words in the box according to the columns below.
Tsunamis, drought, blizzards, avalanches, tornadoes,
hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, hailstorms, whirpools, heat waves, landslides,
fires, ice storms, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes.
movement disasters
5. Act
out the interview about cyber café.
the name of the cyber café?
is it?
are they open?
much does the Internet connection cost?
kinds of food do they serve?
kinds of drinks do they have?
me about their hardware?
games do they have?
they offer any trainings or classes?
10. What else do they offer?
in London.
costs 4.80 per hour.
called Café Connect.
open from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm
have a gift shop.
serve mostly sandwiches and desserts.
have cappuccino, tea, juice.
they offer classes in Web page design.
Need for Speed, Quark II
have Apple Macintosh computers.
6. Match
the words in the box with their definitions below.
Click, menu, cursor, icon,
word processor
is list of computer operations.
…is a small picture or symbol.
is software for creating text files.
means to press and release the button on the mouse.
is a little arrow on the screen that moves when you move the mouse.
Make a list of ten inventions
and decide on:
The best invention
The worst invention
The most important invention to you in your
daily life
7.Answer the questions
you have a computer?
you a computer wizard?
much time do you spend at your computer?
you have access to the Internet?
5. How often do you surf ? When do you usually surf?
Fill in the table to show items used in the past and their modern day
equivalent. In the three blank spaces, at the bottom of the table, add three of
your own.
Type writer
word processor
Gas lamp
Meat safe
a discursive essay “The Earth is our home”
9.Write a discursive essay “Inventions
and Lifestyles”
10.Complete the text with the appropriate words from the
Constitution, legislative, executive,
judicial, , laws, elections, independent, President, presidential republic
the 24th of August 1991 Ukraine became...
It started building the democratic state. Ukraine became a parliamentary …..
Over a short period a new system of state structure was created.
to the …..
of Ukraine the state power in Ukraine is divided into
three branches: …………
body of …
power is the Verkhovna Rada, which consists of 450 deputies.
Each deputy represents an area of the country,
that is called a constituency. The ….
to the Verkhovna Rada are held every 4 years.
is organised in the form of secret ballot and from the age of 18.
Verkhovna Rada is headed by the Chairman and is responsible for making ….
It has special committees, which discuss and introduce
bills for debating at parliamentary sitting. It discusses the questions
connected with the State Budget and adopts the Budget for the coming year.
The head of our state is the ….. He is elected for 5
years' period.
11.Complete the sentences.
1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine …
1991 the Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed ...
right to self-determination is provided by ...
All Ukrainian Referendum involved ...
5. L. Kravchuk was ...
6. State
power in Ukraine is based on ...
The President is ...
8. The
Verkhovna Rada is ...
Judicial power is ...
The National Anthem ...
Independence Day is ...
12. Ukraine took the historic step toward…
the text
The Approaching storm by G. Morland
George Morland (1763-1804) was an
outstanding English artist of the 18th century and a brilliant painter of
landscape. Like many artists, he turned to nature for inspiration. He had an instinctive feeling
for nature.
Among his pictures, "The
Approaching Storm" is truly remarkable. It is, indeed, a
masterpiece of world painting.Looking at the picture, you can easily understand
how keenly the artist felt nature in every detail. He was able to impart a
sinister atmosphere of the coming storm. You feel the threatening silence
before the storm. The sky is overcast. The first gust of wind shakes the trees,
the next moment it will start raining.
The artist enlivens the landscape
by two hoses and a dog huddling together in a little group, seeking protection
from man in danger. This landscape is typical example of sentimental and poetic
Read short reviews and answer the questions after
Out of Africa
The film was nominated 11 Oscars and it won
seven. It's about a Danish writer (Meryl Streep) who goes to Africa to help
her husband run a coffee plantation. To her surprise, she finds herself
falling in love with the country, the people and a mysterious white hunter
(Robert Redford). The film is based on an autobiographical novel by the
Danish writer, Isak Dinesen, and was directed by the American director Sydney
The story
is set in Africa in 1914 and was shot on location in the Masai Mara National
Park Apart from the actors, the “stars” of the film are the breathtaking
scenery and the exotic wildlife, which look so wonderful on the big screen.
The film also has an unforgettable soundtrack guaranteed to move even the
most unromantic.
This trilogy of films won a total of 17 Oscars,
including Best Picture and Best Director.
They are based on the books written by JRR
Tolkien. They
tell the story of a hobbit. Frodo Baggins. who has to try and destroy a magic
ring in order to defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped
on his journey by a group of friends.
The story is set in an imaginary land called
Middle Earth. All three films were filmed in New Zealand, which was chosen
because of its magnificent and dramatic scenery. The director of the film.
Peter Jackson, was born there. The success of the films has attracted
thousands of tourists to the country, and last year it was voted the most popular
holiday destination by UK travellers.
Which film (A or B)?
1. had
three parts
2. was
based on a book
3. was
filmed in a wildlife park
4. was
set at the beginning of the 20th century
5. was
a romantic film
6. was
directed by a man born in New Zealand
7. won
more Oscars
14 .Complete
the text with the words from the box.
rainforests, floods, storms, public transport, global warming, electricity,
waste, dangerous
A planet in trouble
There are
more problems facing the environment today than at any time in the past. World
population stands at around 6 billion and by the end 21st century it
may reach 8 or 10 million. To satisfy the needs of these people, we are
destroying ________ and other natural places so that we can grow food and put
up buildings. This creates _________ of the land, sea and air, which can be
very bad for the health of humans and _________ for birds and animals.
scientists now agree that it has caused _________ and this means that the
temperature of the Earth is rising. The ice at the North Pole could melt,
raising sea levels and causing serious ________.
the Earth’s weather will be more wind, rain and __________.However, there are
things we can do. Scientists are working to come up with ways of making power
that do not cause so much pollution. People at home can recycle their ________
paper and glass and try to use less __________ by turning off lights, TVs and
stereos when they are not using them. We could all use our cars less and walk
or use ________ more.
15.Match words in A with words in B to make word combinations. Some can
combine with more than one noun.
natural transport
solar pollution
Use 6 words combinations
to make up your own sentences.
Англійська мова
Завдання для студентів: 1реж, 1 хрг, 1Т
Is the Earth in danger? Lesson 1
Read the article and choose the best
"Local road was washed away and
damaged. The highway of national route ''Kyiv-Chop'was blocked because of mud
sliding in the Skole district in the Lviv region. Railroad Lviv-Uzhhorod was
blocked because of fall of the tree.
private dwelling house was destroyed because of sliding in the Ivano-Frankivsk
region. The master of the house, born in 1965, died. 963 houses' were underflooded by flood
“On July, 24 in the evening 27-year-old
resident of the Vyzhnytsya district died in the basement that was flooded as a
result of bad weather in Bukovyna."
These lines are from Ukrayinski Novyny
report about the natural Disaster that occurred in Western Ukraine in July
2008. As a result of heavy showers the level of water had been raised in the
rivers, and dwelling houses, farmlands and agricultural holdings were
underflooded. Some crops were destroyed.
Natural disasters have begun to occur in
Ukraine with increasing frequency. After dangerous floods in Zakarpattya storms
and tornados have also come their way. Information about the number of people
killed by lightning is more frequent in different parts of Ukraine. Until
recently, we only heard of such disasters occurring on the other side of the
what are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in
our country? Not waiting for the scientists’ explanations, people say this is
our fault. During the last 50 years a great deal of forests in the Carpathians
have been cut down. Deforestation has led to changes in local climate. That’s
why we have so much trouble with floods in this region. The scientists remind
us that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature. Irresponsible
attitude to it might lead to terrible results.
The conducted research work has
confirmed the idea about not only natural but man-made causes of these floods.
What is a natural disaster? The
definition is: it is the effect of a natural hazard that affects the
environment and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses. A
natural hazard is a threat of a natural occurring event that will have a
negative effect on people or the environment. Many natural hazards are
interrelated. For example, earthquake can cause tsunami and drought that can
lead directly to famine.
The costs of natural disasters — lives
lost, homes destroyed, economies disrupted... But there is reason for hope. By
understanding how and where these natural events occur, we can build and live
safely on the Earth, and by providing real-time information about floods,
earthquakes, and other hazards, we can respond effectively when disaster
strikes. We should build stronger, safer communities that are resistant to
natural disasters.
– вирубування лісів
1) What natural disaster did occur in Western Ukraine in
a) drought
b) earthquake
c) flood
2) What happened to the national route 'Kyiv-Chop’ in 2008?
a) It was underflooded.
b) It was blocked with mud sliding.
c) It was ruined by volcano eruption.
3) What natural disasters are becoming more frequent in Ukraine?
a) floods and storms
b) floods and earthquakes
c) tsunamis and floods
4) What are the causes of frequent floods in Zakarpattya?
a) heavy showers
b) natural and man-made causes
c) deforestation
5) What is a natural disaster?
a) It is a natural hazard.
b) It is a weather event.
c) It is the effect of a natural hazard.
6) What is a natural hazard?
a) It is a threat of a natural event that might have negative effect.
b) It is a natural catastrophe.
c) It is a natural disaster.
7) What is the relationship between natural hazards?
a) They all result into natural disasters.
b) They are interrelated, one can lead to another.
c) They never influence each other.
8) What does ‘to respond to natural disasters effectively’ mean?
a) It means we shouldn't pay any attention to difficulties.
b) It means that we must remember that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature.
c) It means we should learn more about disasters and build safer communities with real-time information provided.
a) drought
b) earthquake
c) flood
2) What happened to the national route 'Kyiv-Chop’ in 2008?
a) It was underflooded.
b) It was blocked with mud sliding.
c) It was ruined by volcano eruption.
3) What natural disasters are becoming more frequent in Ukraine?
a) floods and storms
b) floods and earthquakes
c) tsunamis and floods
4) What are the causes of frequent floods in Zakarpattya?
a) heavy showers
b) natural and man-made causes
c) deforestation
5) What is a natural disaster?
a) It is a natural hazard.
b) It is a weather event.
c) It is the effect of a natural hazard.
6) What is a natural hazard?
a) It is a threat of a natural event that might have negative effect.
b) It is a natural catastrophe.
c) It is a natural disaster.
7) What is the relationship between natural hazards?
a) They all result into natural disasters.
b) They are interrelated, one can lead to another.
c) They never influence each other.
8) What does ‘to respond to natural disasters effectively’ mean?
a) It means we shouldn't pay any attention to difficulties.
b) It means that we must remember that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature.
c) It means we should learn more about disasters and build safer communities with real-time information provided.
in the table
Natural disasters
up the words in the box according to the columns below.
Tsunami, droughts, blizzards, avalanches, tornadoes,
hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, hailstorms, whirlpools, heat waves,
landslides, fires, ice storms, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes
Land movement disasters
Water disasters
Weather disasters
A cause – is that which produced and effect, which makes a
thing happen.
A reason – is a fact which is put forward as motive or
explanation, or in order to justify some conclusion.
Complete the sentences with “cause” or “ reason”
1. Carelessness
is often the ….. of fires.
2. The
…. of the accident is still not know.
3. What
is the ….. of lightning?
4. Scientists
attribute changes in the weather to natural ….
5. The
….. of earthquakes is the inside the earth.
6. Never
stay away from school without good ….
7. There
is no ….. to suppose he will forget.
8. What
was the …. for your refusal to go there?
Рекомендована література:
Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для
10-го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. –
Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2010.-
ст. 92-97
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
1реж, 1хрг, 1Т
the Earth in danger?
Lesson 2
1. Complete the text with the words in the box.
Eruption, inform, volcanic, damage, volcano(*3),
The airport in Quito was closed
yesterday because of the damage that …. ash could …. to
flights. The ash thrown up by the ….. Guagua Pichincha could also cause serious …..
to agriculture. It might make
breathing difficult for people and animals. At one moment, it looked as if the …..
might erupt slowly. This slow …..
could last for months or even years.
The mayor of Quito said: « We
must learn to live next to this ….. What else
can we do? There is 10 per cent chance that it will be a long calm eruption.
People should wear special masks when they go outside. We will continue to keep
an eye on the situation, and we will ….. the public
of any other measures they should take."
2. Discuss the following questions
What are the biggest problems facing our environment?
Do you worry about the environment?
How important is the natural environment to you in
your daily life?
Are you environmentally friendly?
What would you do to save our environment?
What danger does our country pose to the global
3. What would you do in case of the following natural
How to
deal with them
4. Read and discuss the following.
understand a lot about environment but they don’t understand everything. Every
year there are big and small disasters in different parts of the world. Some of
these happen very often, but some of them are a big shock. How do these natural
disasters affect humans? Can we do anything about them?
Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 10-го
класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль:
Видавництво «Астон», 2010.- ст.
Виконані завдання, надсилайте на адресу nataliashliakhtun@ukr.net
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
1реж, 1хрг, 1Т
Is the Earth in danger?
Lesson 3
1. Fill in the correct word from the box.
blew, drowned, shook, collapsed
1. A
woman …… when the River Avon burst its banks yesterday and flooded the village
of Hampton –on-Avon.
2. The winds were so strong that they …… away
many roof tops.
3. Heavy
rains caused the River Avon to …… its banks.
4. Several
buildings ….. when an earthquake struck the town yesterday afternoon.
5. The ground ….. harder and harder during the
the items in the table.
reason to use
to attract attention
Life jacket
to prevent yourself from drowning
Fire extinguisher
to put out a fire
to find your way
Mobile phone
to call for help
Life belt
to swim safely to the beach
First aid kit
to treat a wound
to cut ropes
you experienced a tsunami (earthquake, flood). Write a short report for a newspaper
explaining your experiences.
Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 10-го
класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль:
Видавництво «Астон», 2010.- ст.
Виконані завдання, надсилайте на адресу nataliashliakhtun@ukr.net
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
1реж, 1хрг, 1Т
Is the Earth in danger?
Lesson 41. Do the project
"Natural disasters" or
"The Earth is our Home"
"The Earth is our Home"
Виконані завдання, надсилайте на адресу nataliashliakhtun@ukr.net
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.

Виконані завдання, надсилайте на адресу nataliashliakhtun@ukr.net
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
The world of painting
1реж, 1хрг, 1Т Lesson 2
Vocabulary: Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
1реж, 1хрг, 1Т
Lesson 1
The world of painting
Vocabulary: (p. 112)
1. Answer
the questions
is the difference between a drawing and a painting?
are the subjects of your favourite pictures?
is your favourite paintings?
is your favourite painter?
“A picture is a poem without words”
Thing and say if you agree with the statement. Explain
why (why not?) (50-60 words)
3. Name
some of the Ukrainian painters.
4. Match
the words with their definitions.
a fame
a scene
a masterpiece
a scenery
a tendency
to inspire
to influence
to encourage someone by making them feel confident
and eager to achieve something great
a view of a place as it appears in a picture
the natural features of a particular part of a
country such a mountains, forests, deserts, etc.
a state of
being known by a lot of people because of your achievements
a work of art that is of very high quality or that
is the best that a particular artist has produced
to have an effect on the way someone or something
develops, behaves, thinks, etc without directly forcing them
a general change or development in a particular
5. Read
and translate the article and pay attention to the words in bold. Consult a
dictionary if necessary.
Artistic traditions in Ukraine

Виконані завдання, надсилайте на адресу nataliashliakhtun@ukr.net
The world of painting
1реж, 1хрг, 1Т Lesson 2
baroque -бароко
a trend - напрям, тенденція
to capture-привертати (увагу), спіймати, схопити, захоплювати силою.
to portray - зображувати, змальовувати
Виконайте вправи 1, 2
Давайте попрацюємо над граматичним матеріалом. Для кращого засвоєння прошу переглянути відео-матеріал https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDOyukvsM28
Past Perfect Tense
Минулий доконаний час
I had already worked by six o'clock.
Я вже попрацював до 6-ї години. |
I hadn't worked by six o'clock.
Я не попрацював до 6-ї години. |
Had you worked by six p.m?
Ви попрацювали до 6-ї години? |
Стверджувальне речення
В Past Perfect стверджувальне речення
формується за допомогою допоміжного дієслова had та форми Past Participle (третя
форма дієслова). Had – це форма минулого часу допоміжного дієслова have.
Past Participle для правильних
дієслів утворюється шляхом додавання закінчення -ed до словникової форми дієслова.
Неправильні дієслова мають свої окремі треті форми, які можна взяти з таблиці неправильних дієслів.
Форми Past Perfect, на відміну від Past Simple, завжди утворюються
допоміжним дієсловом had та формою Past Participle (третя форма дієслова) від смислового
- I had booked the table. – Я замовила (забронювала) столик.
- She had washed her hair. – Вона вимила волосся.
- They had seen the sunset. – Вони побачили захід сонця.
Правила додавання закінчення -ed
Заперечне речення
Для того,
щоб утворити заперечення Past Perfect, слід додати заперечну частку not
після допоміжного дієслова had.
- I had not booked a table. – Я не забронювала столик.
- She had not washed her hair. – Вона не вимила волосся.
- had not = hadn’t (скорочення)
- They hadn’t seen the sunset. – Вони не побачили захід сонця.
Питальне речення
питання в Past Perfect формується шляхом винесення допоміжного дієслова had на
початок речення перед підметом.
- Had you booked a table? – Ти забронювала столик?
- Had she washed her hair? – Вона вимила волосся?
- Had they seen the sunset? – Вони побачили захід?
питання в Past Perfect утворюється за допомогою питального слова або фрази, що стоїть на самому
початку речення. Подальший порядок слів такий самий, як і в загальному
питанні для Past Perfect (had + підмет + третя форма
- What had I done? – Що я зробила?
- Where had she washed this cup? – Де вона мила цю чашку?
- Who had seen the sunset? – Хто побачив захід сонця?
Використання Past Perfect
Дії, що передують іншим діям в минулому
Past Perfect використовується для вираження
дії, яка передує іншій дії у минулому або ж відбувалася до певного моменту в
- She told you she had met your mother. – Вона сказала тобі, що зустріла твою мати. (Вона спочатку зустріла мати, а потім через деякий час розповіла про це)
- They had finished their work by 6 p.m. – Вони закінчили роботу до 6-ї вечора.
- Tom had drunk a cup of coffee before going to work. – Том випив чашку кафи перед тим, як піти на роботу.
Видимий результат у минулому
Past Perfect використовується для вираження
дій, що завершилися в минулому й результат цих дій був також спостерігався у минулому.
- She was upset. She had torn her favorite dress. – Вона була засмучена. Вона розірвала свою улюблену сукню.
- And the silence became deeper. They had dug the grave. – Й тиша стала ще глибше. Вони викопали могилу.
- All these people were happy, because Kennedy had won the elections. – Всі ці люди були щасливі, бо Кеннеді отримав перемогу на виборах.
Hardly... when та No
Past Perfect
в конструкціях hardly...when та no sooner...than. Ці два
вирази перекладаються як «ледь я», «тільки-но я»,
«тільки щойно я». В таких реченнях Past Perfect також
описує минулу дію, що відбулася перед іншою дією. Однак, особливістю є те, що в
частині з Past Perfect використовується непрямий
порядок слів (як в загальному питанні) або інверсія. В другій
частині складного речення використовується час Past Simple.
- Hardly had they met each other when it started to drizzle. – Тільки-но вони зустрілись, як пішов дрібний дощик.
- Hardly had I sent my message when she came. – Щойно я відправив повідомлення, як вона прийшла.
- No sooner had I drunk my glass of cold water than I felt toothache. – Ледь я допив стакан холодної води, як відчув зубний біль.
- No sooner had I come into the flat than the telephone rang. – Тільки-но я зайшов до квартири, як задзвонив телефон.
Показники часу
В часі Past
Perfect використовуються певні слова та фрази, що вказують, до якого
моменту було завершено дію у минулому.
before – до того як
before the moment – до (певного) моменту
before the evening – до (певного) вечора
before the day – до (певного) дня
before the year – до (певного) року
never before – ніколи раніше
after - після, після того, як
no sooner… than – лише, щойно, тільки-но, не встиг
hardly… when – тільки-но, щойно, ледь, не встиг і
by two o’clock – до 2-ї години
by half past six – до половини 7-ї
by that time – до того часу
by that morning – до того ранку
by evening – до вечора, під кінець дня
by afternoon – пообідь
by the 2nd of july – до 2-го липня
by that day – до того дня
by that month – до (початку) того місяця
by that year – до того року
by that age – до того віку
Виконані завдання, надсилайте на адресу nataliashliakhtun@ukr.net
Viber 0969839106
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Завдання для студентів: 2 кіно, 2Т, 2АБ, 2ВЕ
about art
the text, then describe the picture.
Gainsborough's Portrait Of Duchess de Beaufort is an
outstanding work of art. The artist depicts a graceful and attractive young
woman. She has a pleasant oval face, straight eyebrows and black eyes ,a
straight nose and well-shaped delicate hands. You can see that she is an
aristocrat .
Her rather
pale complexion is contrasted by the dark colour of the background (the dark
background was traditional in Gainsborough's time).The artist elivens the face
by a little colour on her cheeks.
Her grayish
hair is combed very high and fastened with a comb and a blue ribbon, as was the
fashion in those days .The dress is very low cut, also according to the fashion
of the day.
The portrait
is painted in cold colours (black, blue, grey, and white). At first sight you
may think that it is traditional ceremonial portrait, but if you look
attentively, you will see that her parted lips, fleeting glance and graceful
gesture of her hand help to create a true impression of the sitter’s vitality
and optimism. The woman in the picture
is alive, and we have a feeling that she is looking at us.
the sentences.
1. My
preference lies with the genre of portrait because ….
2. I
personally like genre paintings. There are ….
3. I
prefer landscape to other genes. You see…
4. I
care much for still lives ….
5. I
prefer battle pieces ….
the definitions of the given words
Translate the following sentences:
формує наш світогляд та збагачує наш внутрішній світ.
нічого кращого ніж мистецтво.
є вічним, а життя – швидкоплинним.
на цю картину, намальовану молодим митцем.
Рекомендована література: Карп’юк О.Д.
Англійська мова: Підручник для 11- класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів.
Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2013. – с. 168-171
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
Завдання 2 для студентів: 2 кіно, 2Т, 2АБ, 2ВЕ
Speaking about art…
1. Прочитайте
та перекладіть текст
The Approaching storm by G. Morland
George Morland (1763-1804) was
an outstanding English artist of the 18th century and a brilliant painter of landscape.
Like many artists, he turned to nature for inspiration. He had an instinctive feeling
for nature.
Among his pictures, "The Approaching
Storm" is truly remarkable. It is, indeed, a masterpiece of world
painting.Looking at the picture, you can easily understand how keenly the
artist felt nature in every detail. He was able to impart a sinister atmosphere
of the coming storm. You feel the threatening silence before the storm. The sky
is overcast. The first gust of wind shakes the trees, the next moment it will
start raining.
The artist enlivens the
landscape by two hoses and a dog huddling together in a little group, seeking
protection from man in danger. This landscape is typical example of sentimental
and poetic painting.
2. Законспектуйте
граматичний матеріал.
Дієприкметник (Participle) – це безособова форма дієслова, що передає ознаку
предмета за дією та відповідає на питання «який?»
та «що роблячи?». Англійські дієприкметники поєднують у собі ознаки дієслова, прикметника, а також прислівника. Дієприкметник не змінюється за категоріями числа, особи та способу,
також він не має ступенів порівняння. В залежності від контексту у реченні
англійський дієприкметник може відповідати дієприкметнику та дієприслівнику
в українській мові, однак часто він передається підрядним реченням.
Що роблячи? (як дієприслівник української мови)
I always sing while doing housework. – Я завжди співаю, пораючись по дому.
Який? (як дієприкметник української мови)
I have read a story written by my son. – Я прочитав оповідь, написану моїм сином.
Утворення дієприкметників
Present Participle (Participle І) утворюється за допомогою закінчення -ing,
яке додається до інфінітива дієслова без частки to:
to read –– reading
Якщо інфінітив закінчується німим -e,
то перед закінченням -ing воно опускається:
to write –– writing
Якщо інфінітив закінчується однією приголосною буквою, якій передує
короткий наголошений голосний звук, то перед закінченням -ing кінцева приголосна
to sit сидіти –– sitting to begin починати –– beginning
Кінцева буква r подвоюється, якщо останній склад
наголошений і не містить дифтонга:
to prefer віддавати перевагу –– preferring
Кінцева буква l подвоюється,
якщо їй передує короткий голосний звук (наголошений чи ненаголошений):
to compel примушувати –– compelling
to ‘travel подорожувати –– travelling
У дієсловах to lie лежати; брехати; to tie зав’язувати; to die умирати буквосполучення –іе перед закінченням –ing змінюється на-у:
to lie –– lying; to tie ––
tying; to die –– dying.
Примітка. Кінцева буква у перед закінченням –ing не
to study вивчати –– studying
to try намагатися –– trying
Present Participle відповідає українському дієприкметнику активного стану
теперішнього часу та дієприслівнику недоконаного виду:
resting –– відпочиваючий, відпочиваючи
Past Participle (Participle II) правильних дієслів утворюється за
допомогою закінчення –ed, що додається до інфінітива без
частки to, тобто так само, як і стверджувальна форма Past
Indefinite цих дієслів:
to ask –– asked
Past Participle неправильних дієслів утворюється по-різному, і ці форми
треба запам'ятати.
Past Participle перехідних дієслів відповідає українському ассивного дієприкметнику
минулого часу:
dressed одягнутий made зроблений
Past Participle деяких неперехідних дієслів відповідає українському
дієприкметнику активного стану минулого часу: to fade — в'янути faded –– зів'ялий
Форми дієприкметників
В англійській мові дієприкметники мають форми теперішнього часу (Present Participle),
минулого часу (Past Participle) і перфектну (Perfect Participle),
а також форми ассивного і активного стану
Перехідні дієслова
Active Voice
Passive Voice
Active Voice
Participle (Participle I)
being asked
(Participle II)
having asked
having been asked
having gone
3. Відкрийте дужки вживаючи форми
Present Particle чи Perfect Participle
….. ( to write) out all the new words, I started to
learn them.
…. (to live) in Kyiv? He was able to see all the ancient
… (to hear) my friend’s voice, I left the room to
open the door.
We went home, … (to look) through the documents.
… (to drink) coffee she was talking to her pal.
… (to go) down the street, the boy was looking back
from time to time.
… (to throw) the ball, the little girl ran home.
1. Having written out all the new words, I started to learn them.
Рекомендована література: Карп’юк О.Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 11- класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Рівень стандарту. – Тернопіль: Видавництво «Астон», 2013. – с. 173-175
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
Завдання 3 для студентів: 2 кіно, 2Т, 2АБ, 2ВЕ
Speaking about art
1. Read the text and put 10 questions to it.
Norman Percevel
(February 3, 1894 – November 8, 1978 ) was a 20th century American
painter and illustrator. His work enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United
States, where Rockwell is the most famous for the cover illustrations of
everyday life scenarios he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine for
more than four decades. About The Saturday Evening Post among the best-know of
Rockwell’s works are the Willie Gillis series, Rosie the Riveter, Saying Grace
(1951), and the Four Freedoms series. He is also noted for his work for the Boy
Scouts of America producing covers their publication Boys Life, calendars and
other illustrations.

Replications of Rockwell’s paintings sell
for hundreds of dollars. There are many museums that have Rockwell paintings
and portraits. Rockwell became so famous because he cared about the people in
America. He painted the good and important things in life. The main reason his
paintings made him popular was because he made people smile, laugh and have
2. Complete the text with the words from the box.
surrealists, realistic,
Cubism, emotions effect, shapes, arrangement, images, colours, scenes
In European art in the late 18th and early 19th
centuries there appeared a group of artists who followed their feelings and (0)
emotions rather than logical thought or reason, and who preferred wild,
natural beauty to things made by man. Realism followed Romanticism in the 19th
century. (1) ... paintings show things as they really are, as they appear to
most people. In the 20th century there appeared such art movements as
Impressionism, Surrealism, such styles as (2) ... and
Expressionism. Impressionism was founded in France in the 1870s by Claude Monet
and his friends. They painted outdoors and developed a sketchy. “Impressionistic” style, trying to capture the changing (3) ... of
natural light. Surrealism appeared in the 20th century. Salvador Dali and Rene
Magritte were famous (4) .... In their works they used strange dreamlike (5) …..
Pablo Picasso
became one of the most famous modem artists, working in many different styles
from delicate pastels to striking Cubist (6) ... where he wasn't trying to create
lifelike pictures He distorted space and broke things up into angular (7) ....
This style became known as Cubism.
At the beginning of the 20th century in Germany
there developed a style known as Expressionism. Expressionist artists use
exaggerated shapes and (8)….. to try to convey feelings,
as in the works of Edward Munch.
Abstract art became popular in the 20th century. It
doesn't mirror real people Of things, but is an (9) ... of shapes and colours .
3. Write a review of a popular TV series. Briefly
summarise a plot, describe its main characters, actors, performance. Mention both
the good and bad sides of the series.
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
Завдання 4 для студентів: 2 кіно, 2Т, 2АБ, 2ВЕ
Speaking about art1. Do the project “My favourite actor”
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Завдання 5 для студентів: 2 кіно, 2Т, 2АБ, 2ВЕ
Speaking about art
Read short reviews and answer the questions
after them.
Out of Africa
The film
was nominated 11 Oscars and it won seven. It's about a Danish writer (Meryl
Streep) who goes to Africa to help her husband run a coffee plantation. To her
surprise, she finds herself falling in love with the country, the people and a
mysterious white hunter (Robert Redford). The film is based on an
autobiographical novel by the Danish writer, Isak Dinesen, and was directed by
the American director Sydney Pollack.
The story is set in Africa in 1914 and was
shot on location in the Masai Mara National Park Apart from the actors, the “stars”
of the film are the breathtaking scenery and the exotic wildlife, which look so
wonderful on the big screen. The film also has an unforgettable soundtrack
guaranteed to move even the most unromantic.
This trilogy of films won a total of 17 Oscars,
including Best Picture and Best Director.
They are based on the books written by JRR
Tolkien. They tell the story of a
hobbit. Frodo Baggins. who has to try and destroy a magic ring in order to
defeat the evil forces of the dark Lord Sauron. He is helped on his journey by
a group of friends.

Which film (A or B)?
1. had three parts
2. was based on a book
3. was filmed in a wildlife park
4. was set at the beginning of the 20th
5. was a romantic film
6. was directed by a man born in New Zealand
7. won more Oscars
2. Prepare a short report on
modern art. Use the Internet to help you. First, write the plan of the report,
then write a report (120words).
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
Задання для студентів 2кіно, 2АБ, 2Т, 2ВЕ
Lesson 1
Ukraine and Community
Vocabulary: p. 239
Brainstorm ideas that come to your mind when you think
about a society. Make a word map. Explain how your ideas are connected with
this word.
2. Read
and translate the article
Beginning in the mid-1950s, outbursts of political
protest against the totalitarian system gained momentum in Ukraine. An
increasing number of illegal samvydav literature was published, and several
dissident organisations and groups appeared. In late 1980s Gorbachev's
perestroika and glasnost served to develop the society. In 1988 the Ukrainian
Helsinki Union was organised. In 1989 the Rukh National Movement for
Perestroika in Ukraine was formed (since 1990 known as the Narodnyi Rukh of
On June 16, 1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed
the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine. On August 24, 1991, the
Ukrainian Parliament solemnly* proclaimed Ukraine's independence and the formation
of the independent state of Ukraine, proceeding from the right to
self-determinafion*, provided by the United Nations Charter and other
international documents.
On December 1, 1991, the All-Ukrainian Referendum took
place in the country, involving 84.18 percent of citizens, of which number
90.35 percent supported the Independence Act of August 24.
Winning 61.6 percent of the votes, L. Kravchuk was
elected President of Ukraine. The nation supported L. Kravchuk's programme
aimed at the construction of New Ukraine with a strong state system, genuine democracy, material well-being and elevated
spiritual awareness.
A new state, Ukraine, appeared on the world political
map in 1991. It is a democratic state, ruled by the law. It includes 24
administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea.
State power in
Ukraine is based on the division of authority into legislative, executive and
judicial. The President is the highest official of the Ukrainian state, vested*
with supreme executive authority. He exercises it through the Government. the
Cabinet of Ministers, which is accountable to him, and through a system of
central and local organs of state executive authority.
The Verkhovna
Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine is the sole legislative authority. Judicial power
in Ukraine is vested in the courts of law. The courts are independent and in
all their activities abide* only by the rules of law.
The National Emblem of Ukraine is a Golden Tryzub
(trident) on a blue shield. The National flag of Ukraine is a rectangular cloth
with two horizontal stripes of equal width, the upper coloured blue and the
lower — golden yellow. The National Anthem has been performed since January
1992 (music by M. M. Verbytskyi).
The National
Holiday, Independence Day, is celebrated on August 24.
Ukraine is making the efforts to create effective
economic system, along with advancing the institutions of democracy, and raising the
country's prestige in the international arena.
By voluntarily rejecting its recent status as the world's
third nuclear power, Ukraine took the 1st historic step toward a
nuclear-free, peaceful future, bringing
mankind closer to the long cherished goal and total nuclear disarmament.
*solemnly – урочисто *vested-наділений
*self-determination - самовизначення * to abide-керуватись
3. Read
the article again and complete the sentences.
1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine …
1991 the Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed ...
right to self-determination is provided by ...
4. All Ukrainian Referendum involved ...
5. L. Kravchuk was ...
6. State
power in Ukraine is based on ...
The President is ...
8. The
Verkhovna Rada is ...
Judicial power is ...
The National Anthem ...
Independence Day is ...
12. Ukraine took the historic step toward…
Зберігайте рукописний вигляд завдань.
1. Write a short paragraph on the following problem. Use the questions below.
- What countries does Ukraine have relations with?
- What are the exchange programmes meant for?
- Why are the exchange programmes important for
development of good relations between the countries?
Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням
Lesson 2
Foreing Affairs of Ukraine
As now Ukraine is a sovereign state it establishes new
relations with the countries throughout the world.
Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations
Organization and participates in the work of many international organizations.
We have wide relations with Canada, the USA and Great
Britain in policy, economics and culture.
Foreign Embassies of these countries work in Kyiv.We
have some joint political projects with the United States of America and
A lot of joint ventures have appeared in Ukraine
Such big plants of ours as Cherkassy joint-stock
company “Azot”, Gorlivka chemical plant “Stirol”, Kharkiv aircraft plant sell
their products at the international market.
Scientific cooperation is also very important.
We have joint projects for space exploration with the
USA and Canada.
Cooperation in culture, education and sport is very
important, too.
We exchange students and teachers with these countries.
A lot of tourists from English-speaking countries
visit Ukraine every year. A lot of public organizations, educational
establishments, religious organizations make considerable contribution to the
development of our culture, literature and art.
1. Write a short paragraph on the following problem. Use the questions below.

- What are the exchange programmes meant for?
- Why are the exchange programmes important for
development of good relations between the countries?
Англійська мова за професійним спрямуванням
Завдання для студентів: 3 Т курсу
1.Розкажіть розмовну тему.
про свою майбутню професію.
загальні відомості про Україну.
відомості про Київ – столицю України.
загальні відомості про відомі місця України.
відомість про відоме місто України.
заочну екскурсію Вашим рідним містом.
екскурсію про визначні пам’ятки Вашого міста.
про Великобританію.
загальні відомості про Лондон.
10. Розкажіть про відоме місто Великобританії.
11. Подайте загальні відомості про Австралію.
12. Розкажіть про столицю Австралії.
13. Розкажіть про визначні пам’ятки країни мову якої вивчаєте.
14. Подайте загальні відомості про США.
15. Розкажіть про Вашингтон – столицю США.
16. Подайте відомості про Нову Зеландію.
17. Подайте відомості про Канаду.
18. Розкажіть про роль
іноземної мови у Вашій професійні діяльності.
19. Сформуйте розмовну тему «Плануючи поїздку до Лондона».
20. Сформуйте розмовну тему «Подорож – це найкращий спосіб
побачити й дізнатися про щось нове.»
2. Перекладіть текст за професійним спрямуванням
Тексти за професійним спрямуванням ( до диф. заліку)
1. Ternopil is a Place of Culture
Ternopil land has got a glorious history.
Our predecessors created an everlasting
culture here at the time of the Kyiv Rus and Galytsko-Volyn Principality. They
kept traditions and customs of Ukrainian national spirit when the land was
under the power of Lithuania, Austria and Poland. The glory of our compatriots
Dmytro Vyshnevetskyi-Bayda — the founder of Zaporizhska Sich, Severyn Nalyvaiko
— the leader of the peasant’s uprising, Nestor Morozenko — the cossacks
colonel, will never die in the memory of the nation.
A famous opera singer Solomia Krushelnytska
originated from Ternopil land. An outstanding physicist — Ivan Pilyi derived
inspiration and creativity from Ternopil land too.
The bards of the Sichovi Striltsi awoke the
aspiration of the people for independence.
The Proclamation
of the Independence of Ukraine has become a leading paper in the moral boost of
the people. The historical event has been of special significance for Ternopil residents.
Ternopil’s people
accepted the concept of a national school, national traditions and christian
morality in the upbringing of children.
Ternopil is a
place of the music and drama theatre, a concert hall, a Natural History
Museum, an Art Museum and a gallery.
Regional review-contests dedicated to Oles
Kurbas, Solomia Krushelnytska, Volodymyr Gnatyuk, Olena Kulchytska as well
as festivals dedicated to famous town-fellows have become traditional.
The region is
proud of 237 artistic groups, which have won the title “national”.
Recently created
museums after Bohdan Lepkiy in Berezhany, Ulas Samchuk in Tylyavtsy have become
outstanding centres of renewal of historical truth of the past.
Numerous visitors
of the region are attracted by the architecture of the Pochayiv Lavra and
Monastery, as well as by the longest in the world caves located in the
outskirts of Borshchov.
The regional Art
Museum, opened in 1991, has turned to real school of study of fine arts.
1. What history has Ternopil land got?
2. What did our predecessors create?
3. They kept traditions and customs of
Ukrainian national spirit, didn’t they?
4. What was Solomia Krushelnytska?
5. Did she originate from Ternopil land?
6. Is Ternopil a place of the Music and Drama
2.«Lviv, the capital of Western Ukraine»
Lviv, the capital of Western Ukraine is a large industrial and
commercial centre of Ukraine.
Its narrow old streets and its historic centre
make it one of the best places in the country.
Lviv was founded
as a fort in the mid13th century by Danylo Halytsky and was named after his son
Lev, which means lion.
The lion is the
historic symbol of the city. For centuries it has been the Western Ukraine’s
main city. Lviv’s main street is Freedom Avenue.
It runs from Mitskevych Square to the Ivan
Franko Opera and Ballet Theatre.
Also in Freedom Avenue you can see the
National Museum which used to be the Lenin Museum. In the middle of the avenue
there is a statue of Ukrainian national poet, Taras Shevchenko, and there are
always a lot of flowers at its feet. The Museum of Ethnography, Arts and
Crafts, with a statue of Liberty in front, demonstrates furniture and
Each room presents
a different era. Opposite Lviv University there is a monument to the Ukrainian
poet Ivan Franko, from which Ivan Franko Park stretches towards the Hotel
“Dniester”. Lviv’s open-air Museum of Popular Architecture and Life is worth
About 100 old wooden buildings are divided
into many ethnographic groups of Western Ukraine.
Shevchenko Avenue
attracts people with its beautiful buildings and various shops.
There you can find
a statue of Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Ukraine’s most famous historian and the
country’s first president in 1918.
The Museum of Old
Ukrainian Culture has a nice display of small, carved wooden Carpathian
crosses. Lviv Picture Gallery has one of the largest collections of European
paintings in the country, with over 1000 paintings on display, and 5 000 in
Lviv is also famous for its churches and
monasteries, among which are the Roman Catholic Cathedral, Uspensky Church, St
George’s Cathedral, Church of St John the Baptist, Jesuit Church and many
others. Lviv is also famous for its Museum of Historic Religions.
Inside the Town Arsenal there is the Museum
of Old Arms, with a display of various arms taken from over 30 countries
1. Who founded Lviv? When?
2. What can we see
in Lviv’s main street?
3. Which of Lviv’s Museums are worth visiting?
4. Which of the monuments is never without
flowers at its feet?
5. Are there many churches in Lviv?
3. Poltava — one of the most interesting towns of Ukraine
Poltava — one of
the most interesting towns of Ukraine — is situated on the picturesque bank of
the river Vorskla.
Due to its history Poltava rouses great interest.
It was first mentioned in chronicles as Ltava in 1174. This old name changed
only in 1430.
The history of
Poltava is full of different events.
The town is also
well-known thanks to Poltava battle, when Peter the Great with his army
defeated the Swedish army of Karl XII.
The Ukrainian
writer Kotlyarevsky wrote about Poltava in his works. Poltava and its region is
also connected with the name of M. V. Gogol, who described its landscapes in
his stories.
Now Poltava is a
modern town and a regional centre.
metal-working, food and light industries are welldeveloped there. It is also a
large railway junction.
Poltava has many
scientific-research institutes and 5 higher educational establishments.
There are two theatres — the Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre and the Puppet
Theatre, and the Philharmonic Society in the town.
The Museum of
Regional Studies is one of the oldest in Ukraine, it was founded in 1891.
There are more
than 136 thousand displays, including unique collections of Ukrainian carpets,
national costumes and antique weapon.
1. Where is Poltava situated?
2. When was it mentioned first?
3. What battle
took place not far from Poltava?
4. Have you ever been to Poltava?
5. What museums can you visit in Poltava? What
are they famous for?
4. Main theatres in London
There are four theatres in London of
notable beauty: the Theatre, the Curtain Theatre, the Rose Theatre and the
Swan Theatre.
In each of them a
different play is daily performed to the audience.
Of all the
theatres the largest and the most magnificent is the Swan Theatre: for it
accommodates three thousand people.
It is built of a
mass of flint stones, and is supported by wooden columns painted in such an
excellent imitation of marble that it is able to deceive even the most cunning
The actual date of
the building and opening of the Swan Theatre is uncertain, but it was probably
about 1596. Built by Francis Landley the Rose Theatre was probably opened in
The Theatre — the
first and most appropriately named playhouse was erected in London in 1576.
Built by James Burbage the Curtain Theatre was
London’s second playhouse, opened in 1577, the year after the Theatre.
There is no
definite information as to who built it.
Every day at two
o’clock in the afternoon in the city of London two or three comedies are
perfomed at separate places.
The places are
built so that the actors act on a raised platform, and everyone can see
everything well enough.
1. How many main
theatres are there in London?
2. What are they?
3. What is the largest of them?
4. When are the
comedies performed?
5. The places are built on a raised platform,
aren’t they?
5.English Cookery and Meals
With the
exception of breakfast meals in England are much the same as in other
The usual meals in Great Britain are breakfast,
lunch, tea and dinner.
The English are very fastidious about their meals and
keep to their meal times strictly.
Breakfast time is between 7 and 9 a. m.
Many people like to begin it with porridge.
English people
eat porridge with milk or cream and sugar, but the Scots — and Scotland is the
home of porridge — never put sugar in it.
Then comes bacon and eggs, marmalade with toast and
tea or coffee.
For a change you can have a boiled egg, cold ham or
perhaps fish. The two substantial meals of the day, lunch and dinner, are more
or less the same.
Lunch is
usually taken at one o’clock.
Many people, who go out to work, find it difficult to
come home for lunch and go to a cafe or a restaurant, but they never miss a
Lunch is a big meal — meat or fish, potatoes and
salad, puddings or fruit are quite usual for it.
In the afternoon, about four o’clock, the English have
a cup of tea and a cake, or a slice or two of bread and butter.
Tea is very popular with the English; it may be called
their national drink. The English like it strong and fresh made.
Tea must be brewed as follows: one teaspoon for each
person and one for the pot.
They drink it with or without sugar, but almost
always with milk.
It is important
to pour tea into milk, and not vice versa. Their “high tea” at 5 o’clock is
very famous. Tea is accompanied by ham, tomatoes and salad, bread and butter,
fruit and cakes.
Dinnertime is generally about half past seven or
later. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. They begin with
soup, followed by fish, roast chicken, potatoes and vegetables, fruit and
coffee. But in great many English homes the midday meal is the chief one of the
day, and in the evening they only have light meal, for example, bread and
cheese and a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.
1. What are the
usual meals in Great Britain?
2. What is “English Breakfast”?
3. When do they
have lunch? What do English people eat for lunch?
4. What is “High Tea”?
5. What is the biggest meal of the day?
6. About Traffic in London
A quick and easy way to get to different
places in the city is to use an underground train.
The trains run all day and most of the night.
It's better to buy a ticket before you get
on the train and not make journey between eight o'clock in the morning or four o'clock
and six o'clock in the evening.
There are called the rush hours.
Thousands of people are going to work or
coming home again then, and it is difficult to move or to find a place to sit
on the train.
There are some special visitor's buses.
They take visitors from different countries
and cities to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey.
It takes almost one hour. But visitors
can break their journey and get off.
London taxis are called «black cabs».
Most of them are black, but some are not.
Everyone can stop a taxi if it has a «For
Hire» sign on it.
The drivers are usually friendly and
Visitors can take a boat trip along the
river Thames. Boats leave Westminster and Charring Cross Pier, and they go to
Tower Pier and Greenwich.
Between April and October, visitors can
take a longer boat trip to Hampton Count (about four hours) – a beautiful palace in a big park.
7. About the
Museum-apartment of M.Leontovych – Museum
“Shchedryk” – a house of legendary melody, which became a symbol of Chistmas
around the world. The composition on which Mykola Leontovych worked almost all
his life first succeeded in Ukraine and subsequently became entrenched in
Western culture. The origions of Shchedryk are among folk art, and cultivated
by a genius, it began its journey through concert halls, movies screens and
even popular serials. The melody is played in the style from the classics to
the rock, flash mobs are held, the ratings of the best processing are generated
. The prehistoric beginning resonates in the hearts of people from all over the
world when they hear this ring. In what
conditions was this heritage of world culture born?
In the period from 1908 to 1921 (from 31
until his death) Mykola Leontovych’s home was in Tulchyn. Here he created
music, taught singing at the Diocesan Women’s College (1908-1918) presided over
the Tulchyn “Prosvita”. In Tulchyn Leontovych cettainly returned from his
creative travels to Kiev.
In December 1977 (on the occasion of the
100th anniversary of Leontovych’s birth) the Museum – apartment of
the composer opened in Tulchyn. This year was also declared by UNESCO the year
of M. Loentovych.
A highly professional museum worker Olga
Kopaihorodska created the museum. The
museum consists of three exhibition rooms and two memorial rooms.
While staying in Mykola Leontovych’s apartment,
you can feel the atmosphere of home comfort in which music was born. Each of
the composer’s personal belongings (tuning fork, conductor wand, working table)
may seem like a magician’s tool. An interesting thing about the museum is gifts
for a dear teacher from students and graduates of the Woment’s Diocesan School.
8.Types of accommodation while
Looking for accommodation is a problem
which every traveler faces while planning a trip.
The tourist
industry is now offering plenty of accommodation types for every taste and
They vary
greatly in size, service level and other characteristics.
Hotel of the
same category can be rather different depending on which country they are located
All the hotels
are commonly graded from one-star to five-star ones depending on their size,
amenities and services available.
The most
respectable hotel rating systems do not rank places higher than five stars.
Hostels are
often referred to as backpacked’ hotels and they are considered the best
accommodation type for students being inexpensive and providing shared bedrooms
and communal facilities.
Motels are a
kind of place which was originally created for those who travel by car and for
long – haul truckers.
They are usually
equipped with minimal amenities though they have spacious parking places.
If you are
looking for something where you can relax in privacy, a category called a
holiday villa is the best choice.
By renting a
private villa you’ll have at your disposal one or more bedrooms, a kitchen, a
laundry room, and often a swimming pool.
9.Preparing for a trip
People can’t
imagine life without travelling.
It brings plenty
of emotions and broadens our mind.
And, of course, it’s very important to get well prepared before you start your
The first step is to choose the dates of the
trip and the place or places you’re going to visit.
If you book hotel rooms and tickets in
advance it will certainly save you some money.
All the bookings
and reservations should be made at least a month before a trip.
Use the Internet
to learn about the sights of the area and make sure you know their working
If you travel to
a city it’s useful to find out about its transportation system so that you can
easily get wherever you need and don’t get lost.
You will
certainly need some documents while travelling.
If you travel
within Ukraine you just need your internal passport.
However, if you
decide to go abroad, you should think about having an international passport.
Several days
before your departure it’s time to pack your luggage.
If you travel by
car, you don’t have worry about the amount of your laggage.
Travelling by
train on ship doesn’t let you take as many suitcases as you want but you still
can manage it.
travelling by plane demands observing certain rules as for luggage
transportation and you should find them out the air company.
Finally, don’t
forget to charge your cameras and get ready for excellent vacations.
10.Unusual Festivals
People have always liked holidays,
celebrations and special events.
That’s the
reason why they invent different festivals.
Some of these
festivals could seem rather unusual.
Holi is a
traditional Indian festival. It’s the holiday of spring and bright colours.
People cover
each other in paints and swill each other with water.
The more paint a
person gets on his or her face and clothes, the happier and luckier he or she
will be.
In Ukraine this
festivals is also becoming popular nowadays.
Every year in a
small Spanish city of Bunol a very stange festival is organized.
People throw
tomatoes at each other. These tomato fights attract numerous visitors who want
to participate.
About 40
thousand people come to the festivals.
Asians like to
hold strange festivals, too. Every summer in South Korea Mud Festival takes
Mud is dug out
and brought to particular places called Mud Experience Lands.
Any participant
can be dragged by them.
Such holidays
and festivals may not be of great historical or cultural value, but they make
the life of people happier and merrier.
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